Press Release

Contact:   Nehcole J. Felix, ASBC

Ayer, Massachusetts

Ayer, Massachusetts (May 1, 2017) – The Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants® (AASBC®) is proud to announce that Nehcole J. Felix of Ayer, Massachusetts has fulfilled the requirements and passed the certification exam to become an Accredited Small Business Consultant™ (ASBC).

By receiving the ASBC designation, Nehcole J. Felix has demonstrated the knowledge required in all core competencies of small business and SME consulting to effectively assist clients in improving operations and achieving higher profits.

With the new certification Nehcole will being practicing under the business name Felix Consulting and will focus her consulting efforts in and around Central Massachusetts; with a long-term goal to expand to greater New England. The mission of Felix Consulting is to provide actionable advice, direction and insight that increase operational efficiency and generate revenue within any small business.